Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So Tanner's 6th period teacher Mrs. Porter just got back from school after her mom died and she is very rude and angry. So She had asked the class a question but Tanner did not know what it was cause he has an ear infection so everyone rose there hands and so Tanner did to. Tanner was asked a question that he could'nt here so he said "What" she had repeated it but still Tanner said"What" and then She screamed "Tanner get out in the hall" so Tanner went into the hall with his vocab sheet that was finished. Soon the teacher came out and said, so close that tanner could here, "you are a fibber and a questioner you need to listen to me you didnt do your vocab i was asking who had there vocab done and asked for you to come up and show me" Tanner showed her the vocab sheet and it was done she said"you worked on it out here didnt you" tanner said "No i did it in class and i didnt here you when you asked cause i have an ear infection" She glared at him and said " what ever get in class". Porter has been taking things out on Tanner and he tired of it. Comment on who you think is right p.s. This is Tanner.


Mike and Julina said...

I think you are right....but based on reading the posts you make I think you need to work on your vocab because you need commas, periods and correct sentencing in a lot of places.

Madison said...

I think that your teacher should cut you guys some slack. I know how it feels to be picked on a lot in class and having other people get you in trouble. One of my teachers does that too. When someone gets me in trouble, I tell the teacher or someone what happened and I never get in trouble. Does your school actually like your teacher? Because right now, I don't like her. The principal should fire her!!!!!!!!!!!

Leslie said...

Just stick to what is right and true and show respect no matter what. Don't sink to your teachers level. It'll work itself out.

Mema said...

Respect seems to be like a boomerang in the sense that you must send it out before it will come back to you.

It's kind of like "If you have a good attitude, you'll have a good day:)

Life is full of disappointments and teaching moments. We learn from them:) Love you lots!